Glendale lies to the west and north of downtown Phoenix. Pool cleaning in Glendale, AZ is a full time business for us, and we’re just a phone call away. If you need a Glendale, AZ pool repair service, then we’d love to help you out as well. From problems with algae to problems with pool chemistry, as the leading Glendale, AZ pool service, we can advise you and fix all your problems quickly and efficiently.
Maricopa County, where Glendale lies, is in the northern part of the Sonoran desert. Deserts have a lot of dust, and hot places like Arizona often have wind. This means a lot of dust and grit will get blown into your pool over time, and it will need to be cleaned up on a regular basis.
Some information about Glendale
Glendale was founded in 1887. Its early inhabitants were attracted to the town because of its temperance status. All alcoholic beverages were banned. The city today, with close to 220,000 of a population, calls itself, Arizona’s Antique Capital. It has over 90 antique stores in its downtown area. In 2008, the new football stadium in Glendale was host to the Super Bowl (
There are approximately 23,000 pools in Glendale ( One of the biggest problems facing pool owners is algae and cloudy water. It’s extremely unsightly and difficult to get rid of completely. Circulating chlorine at a strength of 1 part per million throughout the pool constantly is one of the best ways to combat this problem, but it may be necessary to brush pool surfaces daily as well.
There are many well-preserved historic properties located in Glendale that date from the late 1800s. Back then, pools were not at all common, but now the city has on average one pool for every three households, or about 30% coverage. With a median income of over $50,000 per family per annum, having your own pool is becoming more and more common. We are well placed to provide an outstanding general pool service or pool maintenance and repair service here in Glendale. Call us to find out more.